Friday, September 9, 2016

Laws of Nature in Dog Training by Boots N Lace



Laws of Nature defined by Webster:   a natural instinct or a natural relation of human beings or other animals due to native character or condition

Let’s look at Nature:

For everything in the world there is a cause and effect. We all know that. How? Neuton said “what goes up must come down.” Reference to the laws of gravity. The same is true in your dog.

Your dog WANTS to be a dog, your dog WANTS to be treated like a dog. Everyone who walks through our door loves dogs and say they love nature and the environment. If that is true, then wouldn’t you want to abide by the rules of Nature and what it needs to survive? Be honest.

Making your dog a human child is an emotional need inside the maternal instinct. We want everything to be safe, fed, and close by where we can easily protect it. Is it fair for your dog to have to fill YOUR emotional void, of wanting to have a human Child? Is it fair to expect a bird to be a dog? That is what you are asking of your dog. So we ask again, are you being selfish?

Let’s look at dogs in Nature: do the wild dogs in Nature have a human that keeps them safe, fed, and close by? No, they have their pack. That isn’t to say that we cannot keep our dogs in our homes, DO NOT MISUNDERSTAND THE MEANING. MOST of you keep your dogs physically ON you or next to you. Your Pits are lap dogs, your Chihuahua’s are purse dogs, your Dachshunds are clingy. Why?

We are responsible to do distance training with our dogs. They have to be ok without us. A lay and stay across the room WILL NOT HURT THEM OR YOU. Enforce that boundary. Give affection 50% of the time when asked. When you discipline your human child, you put them in the corner AWAY from you, right? When you make a correction on the walk, make it in a way the dog understands. When you talk to a child you use a high pitched voice, when you talk to a dog, one-word WHISPER is better. A hand signal with silence is perfection.

Please stop feeling sorry for your dog because you are giving it rules, boundaries, and limitations. What are human children called with no boundaries? Brats. Are you raising a brat dog? When you learned to color you got graded on coloring in the lines. Why? Well, wouldn’t that concept be a value to have when you got in High School and now you DRIVE BETWEEN THE LINES? Your dog does not NATURALLY know how to live in your home or be in public. YOU MUST GIVE THEM THE BOUNDARIES IT NEEDS TO SURVIVE! That is what Pack Leader does--provides coping skills in a completely foreign world!

Stop talking English. Dog’s do not speak English. Learn the language of DOG and use Dog-lish to correct your dog, giving it healthy coping skills in the human world with clear and consistent boundaries.

Are you understanding now why your dog does not respect you? Because you did not respect them. Honor the rules of Nature and give your dog what it desires from it’s Pack.

Then you can call yourself the Pack Leader.  

-BootsN'Lace, ABCDT
Behavioral Therapy Trainer