Tuesday, February 21, 2017

So you think you're a homesteader? Part 22

So you think you're a homesteader? Lessons from the "MAYFLOWER"........Late February, early March 1621 our friends are struggling to survive, they've been at Plimouth for almost 2 months now and considering how few are able to work they've done pretty well. The site for the colony has been laid out for individual "meersteads", a defensive position constructed against Spanish attack, 2 buildings for shelter & storage constructed & their supplies moved ashore. May not sound like much but consider this- in William Bradford's "On Plimouth Plantation" he relates that "only 6 or 7" were able to care for the sick, of the approximately 102 colonists who left England 25% are dead. Half of the MAYFLOWER's crew are dead. All those still alive are ill to some degree and the winter weather has made everything difficult. Those that are able doggedly continue working as their friends & family die at a rate of 1 every other day & all the while they are watched by the natives, making every trip to shore a possible battle. On the first of March, signs that winter is breaking blow in with a warm wind. Today there is a resurgent interest in "Natural Remedies" & a backlash against our "Pill for Everything" pharmaceutical culture. I myself avoid medication if possible and try natural remedies first, FB is filled with "ACV cures all" advocates but think about this - Half of these brave people died ! Not from Indian attack, not from injuries & accidents- They died from sickness that today's OTC medications would have cured. The vast majority of them would have been saved by a bottle of multi-vitamins & aspirin. This terrible death rate wasn't just at Plimouth, early colonies such as Jamestown suffered a similar 50% mortality and the Native population was devastated by introduced diseases that today would be successfully treated at your local urgent care. As much as we strive to be self sufficient and minimize our use of pharmaceuticals be grateful for the access we have to effective medications ! I realize that this is a personal decision for each of us but don't risk you, your children or your animals health if that Apple Cider Vinegar isn't working!

-Unicoi Ludd