Saturday, January 9, 2016

Livestock Predation Protection Part 1 --by Toe Catch

Livestock predation protection. Part 1 There are several steps that can be taken to help prevent livestock predation for wild and domestic predators alike. For this article I will discuss what I call the 4 rings of defense. We are focusing on the smaller homesteads and not the large farm and ranch , however these same techniques can be used on a larger scale as well. I'll start with the inner ring and the most obvious to most people. The inner ring is the last line of defense and consist of secure pens for the livestock. Rabbits in off the ground pens and inside a closable building. Chicken coops with sturdy wire runs and closable and latched doors and windows with no gaps and openings. Small predators such as Snakes , Rats , Feral Cats , Mink and Weasels only require a very small opening to gain access. Larger predators such as Raccoon and Opossum will find any weakness in pens , boards , openings and exploit them. Keeping a close eye on pens and runs for any disturbances is a wise idea. Repairs should be made immediately as these will only get worse with every visit from a predator. Wire runs can be strengthen around the bottom (often gained access by predators) by simply running a 2x4 board from post to post and attaching the wire to the board with fence staples. Running an electric wire around the outside of these runs about 12" from the ground also helps with another close to the top to keep them from climbing over the run. Larger livestock also benefit from having secure pens or access to buildings or barns that can be closed at night for protection from larger predators such as Roaming Dogs , Coyote , Bobcats and areas that have them LARGE CATS , Wolves and Bears. Obviously a homesteader can house 100 chickens pretty easily, however housing 100 goats or sheep inside of buildings would not be near as easy. Secure pens and buildings are the last line of defense against predation upon livestock. I know some are going to say "Duh , this is obvious" , but you would be surprised at the number of people who really don't understand or know and have been made to feel "Stupid" if they start to ask the "Obvious" questions. Lights on timers , radios playing inside buildings , motion sensors attach to lighting around buildings and pens , Scarecrows placed around the homestead and moved frequently are all part of this last and inner line of defense as well. When dealing with predation sometimes you have to think inside and outside the box. More to come on predator protection. Toe Catch.

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