Monday, January 11, 2016

Livestock Predation Protection part 4 --Toe Catch

Livestock Predation Protection , part 4 To the 4th and final ring of defence against predation. I can see the wheels turning now in the heads of some thinking "Wait part 3 was about perimeter fencing , so how can there be a 4th ring" Well the fourth ring can take place anywhere on the homestead and beyond (where legal of course) and is just as valuable to you , your livestock , pets , wildlife , neighbors and the ecosystem in general. Predators play a very vital part in the ecosystem at large and I am in no way saying , condoning , approving or stating that they all need to be killed or eradicated. That is the farthest thing from my mind and as a hunter , fisherman , trapper , conservationist and outdoorsmen in general I see the need for predators and will fight with all my strength to not see that happen in the least. I do not and will not condone the "Kill them all on sight" mentality I have seen out of some people. However I in no way agree with the thought of "Don't kill anything , live and let live" mentality of so many lately , at all. Each predator has a role they play in the local ecosystem. They have a place and there is a need for each of them. If there were no predators at all just think of all the other animals that they help to keep in a balance as well that would soon overrun us. Moose , Elk , Deer , other Predators , Rats , Mice , Bugs , Etc. the list goes on and on. However if we never harvest any Predators soon they as well would overrun us. There are several ways to utilize the 4th ring of predation protection. I will try to quickly touch on as many as possible. However I can't go into great detail on them all as I would have to write a book to do so. Hunting and Trapping are the two major parts of this 4th part. Even if you don't or can't partake in these , be it Physical , Emotional , Spiritual or Legal reasons that don't allow you to do so yourself there are ways they can be utilized by you and you never actually have to partake in the activity. Hunting , be it for wildlife like deer or some predator has the ability to help control the population of each and every wild animal that state game management officials use to help control the wildlife population to a manageable and habitat sustainable population. To maintain a population that the habitat can healthily sustain. Hunting deer can add to your health with the benefit from the lean , healthy meat they can provide. If you yourself don't eat meat or wild game can donate the harvested game to an organization that will find a family who will utilize it. Hunting deer will also protect your fruit trees , crops , garden , livestock feeds , possibly livestock themselves and finally human lives in general from deer and vehicle accidents. If you don't hunt yourself that is fine , but you can benefit from allowing another onto your homestead to do so if legally hunting is allowed. Hunting of predators like Raccoon , Coyote , Fox , Bobcat , Bear , Etc. Also have some of the same benefits as hunting Deer. Many eat predators , I have eaten many , but also understand it's not for everyone. The furs , claws , skulls , etc. from many of these can be sold to financial benefit your homestead as well. Hunting them also will help reduce the population that will eventually target your livestock. Trapping , can be utilized as a tool to help protect your livestock from predators and also benefit your homestead financial the same as hunting of predators. If you can't , don't or just don't understand trapping there are many who can and will in every state. Be them Animal control agents you will pay to remove the predators or local trappers you may charge you in the off season or remove problem predators for rights to trap on your homestead during trapping seasons. If you would like to do so yourself and aren't sure how there are trapping organizations in each state who usually hold a year get together "Rendezvous" where you can contact trappers from around the state and many have demonstrations you can watch and ask questions at. To be continued , Toe Catch

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