Sunday, August 23, 2015

Aug 23rd Post: How Far are you Willing to Go? -by Hammer Down

I have people I care about. I think we all do. Family, friends, and neighbors, people that we are tight with. We all have someone that means a lot to us. How far will you go to protect these people? Would you be willing to fight for them? Would you be willing to stand up and fire at someone to protect your loved ones? 

We’ve all seen the headlines from recent horrible events. Crazy people are not just hiding in the alleys anymore, now they are coming out into the open and hurting us. It doesn’t matter what the weapon is, a bomb, a gun, a vehicle on the highway, people with mental disorders and people that make poor decisions can destroy a family in less time than it takes to talk about it. How far are we willing to go to protect those we care about? 

I have not been unarmed in public in over 20 years. I have no conceal carry permit. I have no wish to have to use a weapon against anyone. But I am sure not going to be standing there empty handed if one of these deranged people tries to harm my family, friends, or neighbors. The people that are being killed by deranged assholes in recent events, are leaving us with a message. I think this message is that it can happen to any of us at any time. We’re no longer safe in a church, military facility, or even in the streets in our home towns. Why are so many Americans vulnerable to these horrible acts? The answer is simple. Because we are no longer an armed society. We’ve all heard the arguments, but more guns equals less crime every time. 

The church in NC, our military personnel in TN and TX, our schools, and our public events have all been targets of crazy people. I think we would be a lot safer if Americans began arming themselves nation wide. Granted, places like Detroit, Chicago, and Washington DC would be interesting places if everyone was always armed. But I think they already are. Case in point, Arlington, TX. Two morons climb out of a car intent on harming Americans and were cut down by an officer with a pistol before they could do anything. What if this happened a lot more often? What if these crazy people were cut down by armed Americans before they had a chance to carry out their plan? What if that was the norm rather than the exception? 

I think there are enough decent, responsible people in this country, that if armed at all times would make anyone think twice about trying to hurt us the same way they have been. I’ve taken my children to a lot of movies in the last 10 years. I’ve had a .357 with me every time. In my small town, I’m sure I was not the only one with a gun. If someone walked into that movie theatre with a rifle I don’t think the gun fight would have lasted very long. So I ask again, what are you willing to do to protect your loved ones? 

That’s Just What I Think…

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