Thursday, August 20, 2015

Just Who is Independent Twist?

Just who is Independent Twist?
Bio time: does one do this without sounding like a pompous ass? In real life I am the person you never notice. Not too much or too little of anything. The only time you'll notice me normally is when I'm standing up for the little guy. I've fucked up enough in my life that I no longer fear what others think or the consequences of my mouth. I've been told you need all of my education, both in school and out so lets get this crap out of the way first. I have more degrees and letters that follow my name than I want to count. They involve business administration, accounting, marketing, psychology, allied health (both medical and nursing), automotive, gen ed, etc. Most of these were taken at the same times or built on top of another degree so there was a considerable amount less time in school than what it looks like. You know what they all have in common? They are all utterly useless in the real world! I love traveling, learning, and trying new things so I have a very wide skill set. I am an expert in nothing but fucking up and fixing it. I am however competent in whatever I do because I refuse to give up until it is correct (stubborn and hardheaded). My real world training started when I was very young by a vet. My father used to tell me “Don't ever be with someone because you need them, be with them because you want them”, “If you know how to do it yourself you'll never need anyone else”, “Never trust a fucking plumber”, “If you point a gun at someone you better shoot. If you shoot them you better kill them”, and “Just 'cause you got a pussy don't mean shit, get your hands dirty”. This was the basis for my real world training. Though he wasn't my custodial parent, my father tried his best to prepare me for the real world. I was cooking and baking by 4. Growing a garden for the entire neighborhood over a septic tank and canning by 5. Plumbing both new and correcting others at 6. Electrical and mechanics by 7. Hunting, processing, and expert shooter at 8. Building houses and wood work by 10. Fixing and remodeling houses, search and rescue, and plane lessons by 11. I refined all these skills my 12th year. I was made independent due to home circumstances by a judge (emancipated) at 13. I tested out of high school (in FL it isn't hard...), moved out, and went off to college during this time as well. It wasn't until I was 14 that I started raising animals for meat. I have raised chickens, ducks, quail, geese, emu, swine, cattle, fish, gators, and hunting dogs. I took a break from homesteading because I still didn't have a clue what I wanted to do with my life and traveled all over in the military. I was still missing something so I went back into medical and homesteading. I recently downsized in preparation to move to a larger property where I can expand and retire. I want to have a property large enough to have a fruit orchard, nut orchard, grazing fields, bee hives, and at least 2 ponds. Though I am still younger, I have been fortunate enough to pack a ton of life into my years.
~Independent Twist

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