Thursday, December 8, 2016

So you think you are a Homesteader Part 14

So you think you're a homesteader? Lessons from the MAYFLOWER....late November- early December 1620, our friends the colonist's are still at anchor in Cape Cod completing repairs to the Shallop and exploring the immediate area. The weather has turned decidedly colder with 6+ inches of snow & the ground frozen a foot deep, Mistress White has been delivered of a son whom they name Peregrine- the 2nd child born since leaving England and the first in America. The ships Master Christopher Jones is pushing the colonist's to decide on a site so that he can return to England ASAP. Both colonist's & crew are suffering the effects of scurvy and the constant damp and cold is taking its toll on their health, the coughs are escalating into serious respiratory infections. Edward Thomson is the first to succumb and is buried ashore, with 2 births & 2 deaths among the colonist's this is the last time their numbers balance, from now on they will dwindle relentlessly as illness takes a truly horrific toll. They must find a site for their colony, build shelter for 100+ men, women & children and survive the New England winter. If they live through to spring they must clear ground, plant, tend & harvest crops before their slender store of provisions run out. They had a choice- they could have returned to England & Holland. They chose to get in an open sailboat and search for a home site. Here is an important lesson for those of you thinking of a simple, homesteader lifestyle- be sure you understand what you're getting yourself & your family into. The work doesn't stop when you get sick, when it's raining or snowing it's still got to get done. There are no "sick days" on a farm. I don't say this to discourage anyone it's just the reality. The rewards of independence are great but the responsibility is great as well. They had a choice- you've got a choice, no one can make it for you, be committed or don't get in the boat.

By Unicoi Ludd

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