Thursday, December 8, 2016

So you think you are a Homesteader Part 5

So you think you're a homesteader? Lessons from the "Mayflower"- When we last saw her, "Mayflower" had taken on passengers & cargo from her abandoned consort "Speedwell". At this point she has more than made up the distance lost returning to Plymouth, England and has enjoyed nearly perfect sailing weather on the journey to America. One crewman has died of a "grievous disease", but otherwise the voyage is going well. On board the "Mayflower" are about 102 passenger/ colonist's and possibly 30 crewman. On a ship about 100 ft. Long & 25 ft. Wide at maximum! A little crowded you think? It gets better, the deck for the passengers is approximately 50 ft. Long x 25 ft. Wide with a "ceiling" height of 5 ft. !! So do the math, that's 102 +\- people in a space of 1250 sq. ft. 5 ft. High. Living, sleeping & cooking in that space. All their food & equipment for starting a new life in a new world in the cargo hold below. The lesson ? Following you're dream can be damn hard, you may well have to put up with some discomfort & danger to reach your goal. Don't bitch and moan about it, suck it up and keep moving forward to your dream.

-Unicoi Ludd

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