Sunday, December 25, 2016

So you think you're a homesteader - part 18

So you think you're a homesteader? - Lessons from the MAYFLOWER... So you may have wondered, how did our friends on the MAYFLOWER celebrate their first Christmas in the new world?  They are at anchor in Plimouth harbor and have agreed upon a site for the colony and have sent work parties ashore to fell, buck, hew & saw timber for building. On Dec. 24th, 1620, one of the colonists named Solomon Prower dies. He is the 2nd colonist to die at Plimouth and is buried ashore. So how did they celebrate Christmas? - They didn't - these people were opposed to anything not specifically in the Bible and did not observe Saints days, Easter, Christmas etc. Instead they sent a party ashore to work timber and begin the first building, a 20 ft. X 20ft. Shelter and store house for their goods. Captain Jones & his crew were Church of England men and celebrated with a day off and extra beer ration. This is before molasses based Rum was available and the famous "Grog" is unknown to British sailors. Beer was getting pretty short but Master Jones allowed the colonists to have some on this day even though he had cut them off earlier to conserve the supply for the voyage home. I won't berate you with a lesson this time, I take this opportunity to wish you all a Joyous Christmas, Hanukkah, Winter Solstice or whatever you celebrate at this time of year. Be grateful for your blessings and look forward to more in the coming year.

- Unicoi Ludd

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